
Atos PR: Atos announces Q-score, the only universal metrics to assess quantum performance and superiority


In this announcement of Q-score, Atos’s universal quantum metrics applicable to all quantum processors, Atos largely mentions the role of NEASQC to identify and explore real-life quantum computing use cases.

“Atos introduces “Q-score”, the first universal quantum metrics, applicable to all programmable quantum processors. Atos’ Q-score measures a quantum system’s effectiveness at handling real-life problems, those which cannot be solved by traditional computers, rather than simply measuring its theoretical performance. Q-score reaffirms Atos’ commitment to deliver early and concrete benefits of quantum computing. Over the past five years, Atos has become a pioneer in quantum applications through its participation in industrial and academic partnerships and funded projects, working hand-in-hand with industrials to develop use-cases which will be able to be accelerated by quantum computing.”‘

Read the full Atos Press Release>

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