
NEASQC webinar: Quantum Natural Language Processing (QNLP)

Partners involved

The NEASQC project is organising a series of webinars that are not a simple overview of the NISQ Quantum Computing use cases investigated by our project, but a platform to learn from and exchange with the best experts in the fields covered by NEASQC. Our Work Package 6 prepared a programme of four weekly webinars in February 2022, dedicated to symbolic AI and graph algorithmics.  

On 8 February from 12:00 to 13:15 CET, we will address Quantum Natural Language Processing (QNLP).


  • 12:00-12:05 Introduction of webinar and speakers
  • 12:05-12:30 Guest speaker: Dr Bob Coecke, Chief Scientist at Cambridge Quantum Computing
    Quantum Natural Language Processing
  • 12:30-12:55  NEASQC speaker: Antonio Villalpando, Computational Scientist at ICHEC
    Processing text data with quantum computers
  • 12:55-13:15 Q&A, discussion


Dr Venkatesh Kannan, Leader of the Work Package 6 (Symbolic AI and graph algorithmics) in the NEASQC project, and Centre Technical Manager, Platforms & Technologies Programme Manager at the Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC)


Dr Bob Coecke, Chief Scientist at Cambridge Quantum Computing
Quantum Natural Language Processing

Bio: Bob Coecke is Chief Scientist at Cambridge Quantum / Quantinuum, where he also heads the Oxford-based QNLP-team, and Emeritus Professor at Wolfson College, Oxford University. Previously he was Professor of Quantum Foundations, Logics and Structures at the Department of Computer Science at Oxford University, where he was 20 years, and co-founded, built, and led a multi-disciplinary research group of 50 people.  He supervised 66 PhD students. He pioneered Categorical Quantum Mechanics (now in AMS’s MSC2020 classification), ZX-calculus, DisCoCat natural language meaning, mathematical foundations for resource theories, Quantum Natural Language Processing, and is co-author of Picturing Quantum Processes, a book providing a fully diagrammatic treatment of quantum theory and its applications.  He co-authored close to 200 research papers.  He’s a founding father of the QPL (Quantum Physics and Logic) and ACT (Applied Category Theory) communities, and of the diamond-open-access journal Compositionality.  He was the first person to have Quantum Foundations as part of his professorial title.  His work headlined in various media outlets including Forbes, New Scientist, PhysicsWorld, ComputerWeekly.

Antonio Villalpando, Computational Scientist at ICHEC
Processing text data with quantum computers

Bio: Antonio Villalpando is a Computational Scientist at the Irish Centre for High End Computing (ICHEC), where he works within the NEASQC project using quantum algorithms for NLP tasks. He obtained a MSc in Theoretical Physics at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, where he first had familiarity with quantum computing and performed fermionic simulations using quantum computers. Previous to his work at ICHEC, he was part of the solid state physics teams at Spanish National Accelerators Centre and has also worked in the finance industry.

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