
EuroHPC Summit 2023

The EuroHPC Summit is an annual event gathering key European HPC stakeholders from providers, to scientific and industrial users, to policy makers. The Summit is an important moment to showcase the latest achievements and opportunities in the European supercomputing ecosystem, but also to discuss and reflect on the current and future challenges in HPC. The event provides also a great opportunity for attendees to network and connect with the European HPC community.

The EuroHPC Summit 2023 will take place on 20-23 March 2023 in Gothenburg in Sweden.

The EuroHPC JU has a strong interest in Quantum Computing, and therefore invited the NEASQC team to present our project poster, in a poster session normally aimed at the EuroHPC projects. Thank you for this opportunity to present our use cases to the European HPC community!

Come and meet us at our poster during the poster session on Monday evening (20 March)!

Location :
Gothenburg, Sweden
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