
EQTC 2021

Partners involved

The European Quantum Technologies Virtual Conference will be held from 29 November to 2 December 2021. This flagship event of the European Commission and the Quantum Flagship is co-organised by our partner ICHEC.

EQTC is the international conference of the European Quantum Flagship initiative, which collaboratively advances quantum technologies and places Europe at the forefront of the second quantum revolution, bringing transformative advances to science, industry and society.

NEASQC is present at EQTC!

The event will provide full coverage of the most prominent and recent advances in European and International quantum technology activities across basic sciences, communication, computing, simulation and sensing/metrology.

The conference programme addresses a wide range of topics in quantum technologies including fundamental science, infrastructure development, industry engagements, education & training, encouraging and facilitating gender balance in the quantum community, international cooperation, and policy-making. It will provide a forum to highlight the state-of-the-art in quantum technologies both in Europe and from around the world.

EQTC 2021 will also provide a full update on the European Quantum Flagship initiative, strategies and opportunities including reports from and discussions with the Strategic Research Agenda, Innovation, and Education Working Groups of the Quantum Flagship. It will provide networking opportunities for the European and International academic and industrial quantum technologies communities.

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